
 Huadu spray processing

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What should be paid attention to during thermal spraying process?

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What should be paid attention to during thermal spraying process?

Date of issue: 2019-04-16 Author: Guangzhou Tuoshen Click:

heat Spray processing What should be paid attention to in the process?

1、 Respiratory protection. The spraying operation requires the operator to use respiratory protection devices. Depending on the nature, type and size of the dust gas, determine what kind of respiratory protection device to use. For spraying in a limited or sealed space, a continuous airflow channel respirator is required.

2、 Protective clothing. The appropriate protective clothing required for any spraying or sand blowing varies with the type of work, nature and environment. When working in a limited area, it is necessary to wear fire-resistant clothing and leather or rubber protective gloves. The clothes should be tied tightly at the wrist and bare feet to ensure that the splashed substances and dust will not splash on the skin. When working in an open environment, you can use a general full set of work clothes, but you can't open the neckline and fasten the pocket buttons. If you want to wear high top shoes, the pants should also cover your feet.

3、 Compressed air. Compressed air shall be marked with a name to avoid confusion with oxygen or gas. Compressed air shall not be used to clean clothes. Similarly, oxygen and gas cannot be used for cleaning. Noise protection. If the spraying noise exceeds the limited range, all personnel near the work area shall take hearing protection.

4、 It is composed of a standard continuous airflow path respirator, a mask or helmet and a dust cover. Strengthen the protection of the head and neck. At the end of the mask, the large air intake of the respirator is 4CFM (6.6M3/H), and the air entering the helmet or dust cover is 6CUFT (10M3/H) per minute. It is better to blow fresh air than compressed air as a breathing source


Website: //ajgs.cn/news/602.html

Related labels: Spray processing , Guangzhou spray processing , Huadu spray processing

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